
Jaymin Eve
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With Brace back by her side and the melding bond again secure, Abigail should be happier than ever. Right? Well, there’s still that little rodent problem of hers. The Seventine. Six of the evil energy sucking entities are free and with the convergence fast approaching, there is no doubt that the final battle will be fought soon. All that stands between the Seventine and the end of the First World star-system is Abigail, the other half-Walker females and a gathering of races from across First World. Abigail has never had so much to lose, but when everything is on the line, you fight with everything you have. She will never give up. But in the end, will she be able to save everyone?  
Data wydania: 2015-11-20
ISBN: 1-5191-1635-7, 1519116357
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
Cykl: A Walker Saga, tom 7
Stron: 518


Jaymin Eve Jaymin Eve
Urodzona 11 października 1984 roku w Australii

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