Hotter After Midnight

Cynthia Eden
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Hotter After Midnight
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A Seductive Nighttime World… Dr. Emily Drake’s psychotherapy patients tend to be a little unusual. Instead of midlife crises and mother fixations, Emily treats vampires with blood phobias and sex-demons looking for meaningful relationships. But healing these powerful beings requires an important rule: Never trust a shifter. Especially not one like Detective Colin Gyth, whose gold-flecked eyes and predatory air make Emily realize how much she longs to lose control… A Dark And Dangerous Hunger… Colin can’t believe the doctor he has to work with on the Night Butcher murder case is the one person who could expose his true identity as a wolf shifter. Smart and sexy, Emily brings out the alpha male in Colin, unleashing a wild desire that takes them both over the edge…. But in the shadows, the Night Butcher waits, eager to spill Emily’s blood and taste her terror. And he’ll use any means to destroy her, including the one person she has grown to trust… “Highly sensual and definitely dangerous.” —Shannon McKenna “A cross between CSI and Medium, only hotter and with a hero that truly has bite!” —Jacquelyn Frank  
Data wydania: 2009-12-01
ISBN: 978-0-7582-2603-7, 9780758226037
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Kensington
Cykl: The Midnight Trilogy, tom 1
Stron: 272
dodana przez: bookkeeper


Cynthia Eden Cynthia Eden Cynthia Eden is a New York Times, USA Today, Digital Book World, and IndieReader bestselling author of romantic suspense and paranormal romance. She’s a prolific author who lives along the Alabama Gulf Coast. In her free time, you’ll find her readin...

Pozostałe książki:

The Vampire's Kiss Bound by blood Bound in Death Broken Angel Burn It Down Hotter After Midnight Keep Me Close Monster without Mercy Never Let Go On the Prowl The Devil in Disguise Undead Or Alive When He Was Bad Bound In Darkness Bound In Sin Bound by the Night Heart of Stone Hot Enough To Burn Midnight Sins Midnight’s Master Protecting Piper Saint or Sinner Slow Burn Tempted By Fate Wicked and Wild
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