I know who you are

Alice Feeney
I know who you are
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"l Know Who You Are" is the brilliant tale of two stories. One is about Aimee Sinclair—well-known actress on the verge of being full-on famous. If you saw her, you’d think you knew her. One day towards the near-end of her shoot on her latest film, Aimee comes home from filming to find her husband’s cell phone and wallet on the dining room table. He never goes anywhere without them. But he’s nowhere to be found. She’s not too concerned—they had a huge fight the night before. They both said things they didn’t mean. He might have done things he didn’t mean, things she can’t forget. Even though she has a history of supposedly forgetting. After all, she’s a very good actress. The next morning she goes for her morning run and then goes to her favorite coffee shop. But her card is denied. When she calls the bank they say her account has been emptied of $10,000. She immediately suspects her husband. But they say no, it was Aimee herself who closed out the account. And thus begins a bizarre rabbit hole into which Aimee finds herself falling where nothing is at it seems. Alternating with Aimee’s story is that of a little girl who wandered away from home. We always tell our kids not to talk to strangers or bad things will happen. Well, bad things happen. In I Know Who You Are, Alice Feeney proves that she is a master at brilliantly complicated plots and twists after twists.  
Data wydania: 2019-04-23
ISBN: 1-250-14734-4, 1250147344
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Flatiron Books
Kategoria: Sensacja Thriller
Stron: 304
dodana przez: bookkeeper


Alice Feeney Alice Feeney – brytyjska pisarka i dziennikarka, przez piętnaście lat pracowała dla BBC News jako wydawca, reporterka i producentka. W 2016 roku ukończyła kurs pisarstwa organizowany przez Faber Academy w Londynie. Autorka kilku powieści, m.in. Czas...

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