Rider’s Revenge

Jamie Begley
Rider’s Revenge
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Revenge is a seven-letter word that isn’t for the faint of heart. It’s a word for those who have been wronged. Jo Turner has been waiting five, long years to finally turn revenge into vengeance. Using Rider, the pretty-faced manwhore, is simply the price she is willing to pay to satiate her desire for revenge. Little does she know, she makes herself a target from the one thing Rider has sworn to give his life to protect—The Last Riders. When you wake the soldier, be prepared for the consequences. Rider is going to teach her a hard lesson: revenge is a double-edged sword … and it always cuts both ways  
Data wydania: 2018-01-25
ISBN: 978-1-946067-06-7, 9781946067067
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Young Ink Press, LLC
Cykl: The Last Riders, tom 10
Stron: 538
dodana przez: bookkeeper


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