Health Through Inner Body Cleansi

Erich Rauch
Health Through Inner Body Cleansi
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After discovering that a healthy digestive system was integral to the health of all body systems, Dr. F. X. Mayr developed a specific program for diagnosing and treating a wide range of complaints which have their ultimate origin in the digestive tract. The Mayr program consists of an intensive 3-4 week regimen including therapeutic fasts to rest the digestive tract and detoxify the body, and a special diet to teach proper mastication and minimize the cleansing reaction. The diet program is done in conjunction with saline drinks, special abdominal massage, hydrotherapy, and exercise. Mayr practitioners must personally undergo the treatment as part of their own training. This 5th English edition, based on the 41st German edition, is the best introduction to Mayr's therapy. Dr. Rauch is the foremost proponent of the Mayr Cure in Europe
Data wydania: 1998
ISBN: 978-3-8304-0891-8, 9783830408918
Wydawnictwo: Georg Thieme Verlag

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