Proposal reviews: 'Dr Salway's text, Metabolism at a Glance, did find aniche in the market and I believe that he has the expertise to make asuccess of this new text if it can be tailor-made for the overseasmarket.' Dr Hywel Thomas, Dean of Basic Medical Sciences, GKT School ofBiomedical Sciences, London 'I believe that there is a need for a bookthat summarises the basic biochemistry that a medical student needs tounderstand. Current texts contain so much detail that many medicalstudents have difficulty in coming to terms with the material...Thematerial proposed provide good coverage of the medically relevantbiochemistry that you would expect a medical student to be familiar with.'Dr W. Montague, Leicester Warwick Medical School 'The contents are adequatefor any student in an American medical school. I am particularly impressedwith the emphasis on clinicaly relevant topics...The author's style andpresentation are approachable and usef.