Star of India

J. Monroe
Star of India
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How did the curry get here and how did the Brits, a nation famed for a love of bland food, end up with Chicken Tikka Masala as their favourite dish? It is a history that took curry, via the British Empire, from its Eastern origins, around the globe. This book talks to the men and women who gambled everything to make a living, who endured indifference and racism to secure an income and those who got their relatives to pack the cardamom when they visited as there was no other way of obtaining the ingredients. This book looks at how the British love affair with curry has changed lives, not just in Britain but around the globe.
Data wydania: 2004
ISBN: 978-0-470-09187-6, 9780470091876
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Wiley&Sons

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