Architect Harry Seidler has spent more than 50 years traveling the globe,extensively photographing the peak achievements in architecture from 3000B.C. to the present day. Thanks to sound advice given to him early on byhis photographer brother Marcell ("Only use Leica cameras and Kodachromefilm, which is archival"), Seidler's hobby quickly developed into apassion and, finally, an impressive archive of world architecture. Including, of course, many of the world's most famous architecturalstructures, Seidler's photographs illustrate the history and style —country by country — of architecture in Europe, the Middle East,Asia, and the Americas. Divided into chapters by country, each with abrief introduction outlining its architectural history, The Grand Touroffers armchair travelers, students, architecture buffs, and historiansthe opportunity to browse the buildings of the world through one man'sphotographs — the fruits of a passionate, half-century endeavor.