Niepowtarzalny zbiór adaptacji słynnych utworów opowiadających o odwadze, przyjaźni i pogoni za marzeniami. Wszystkie pięknie zilustrowano i opracowano tak, by lektura sprawiała przyjemność młodszym ...
Marlene Dumas is celebrated around the world for her highly charged depictions of the human form. In her oil paintings, drawings and watercolours she captures the body in all its states, from pain to...
Part of a series of technically informative monographs embracing a broad spectrum of internationally renowned buildings. This work deals with the Willis Faber Dumas Building, and includes a comprehens... least that's what her friends keep telling her. According to them, Becks is date lazy, always settling for men whom she dumps soon after because they're not quite right.
Many aspects of usability testing have been thoroughly studied and documented in this title. This isn't true, however, of the details of interacting with the test participants who provide the critical...
La magie cérémonielle a toujours eu et aura toujours des adeptes. C'est dans les grimoires que se trouvent révélés la science du sacré, l'accès au monde de l'Invisible. Leur valeur est inestimable. L...