Spisana ok. 1686 r. Moda bardzo dobra smażenia różnych konfektów to obszerny, szczegółowy i oryginalny rękopiśmienny zbiór przepisów kulinarnych, który można uznać za drugą polską książkę kucharską. P...
„Jak zgubić 15 kilogramów, napełniając swoją duszę. Moja Droga Miecza do Santiago de Compostela” Dariusza Wiśniewskiego to swego rodzaju pamiętnik, zapis pielgrzymki autora, natomiast z drugiej stro...
Drugi tom źródłowego opracowania ukazuje w świetle obszernego zestawu materiałów dokumentalnych drogę życiową i pracę dla Polskiego Lotnictwa doc. mgr. inż. Tadeusza Chylińskiego. Autor przedstawił w ...
Zebrane i opracowane przez autora materiały dokumentalne ukazują drogę życiową i karierę zawodową doc. mgr. inż. Tadeusza Chylińskiego, postaci bardzo zasłużonej dla Polskiego Lotnictwa. W tomie I prz...
"Testamenty prezentowane w niniejszej publikacji są owocem wieloletnich poszukiwań archiwalnych i prac badawczych nad rodziną książąt Lubartowiczów-Sanguszków. Wszystkie pochodzą z Archiwum Rodzinneg...
Wesołe zabawy i gry, wierszyki i pomysłowe propozycje do majsterkowania zapraszają dzieci, żeby twórczo spędzać czas tych oczekiwań : jest adwentowy kalendarz w formie kina z papieru, jest baśniowy te...
Wspomnienia Bolesława Wójcika (1912–2001), mjr. rez. Wojska Polskiego i por. Armii Krajowej, składają się z dwóch części. W pierwszej, zatytułowanej Mój kolejarski pamiętnik, autor opisuje pokrótce s...
The only heart he wants is the one he already broke... He's Landon Rhodes. The Renegade they call Nova. Sinfully gorgeous, broody, tatted-up, professional snowboarder. Four-time X Games medalist-- Fu...
Nova Reed used to have dreams-of becoming a famous drummer, of marrying her true love. But all of that was taken away in an instant. Now she's getting by as best she can, though sometimes that means d...
The balance of galactic power in the 31st century revolves around Illyrion,the most precious energy source in the universe. The varied and exotic crewwho sign up with Captain Lorq van Ray know their m...
Cvareh returns home to his sky world of Nova with the genius crafter Arianna as his temperamental guest. The mercurial inventor possesses all the Xin family needs to turn the tides of a centuries-old ...
The first novel in a sexy new series featuring the hockey players of the Brooklyn Bruisers and the women who win their hearts—from the USA Today bestselling author of the Ivy Years series. In high sc...
Examining existing major corporations such as Disney, AOL, Time Warner and News Corporation, and new networks emerging including Al Jazeera, Indian Films and Brazilian TV in China, Media on the Move p...
Simple text and photographs present people making things move, from the bouncing of balls to the pedaling of bikes.
Make motion capture part of you graphics and effects arsenal with a mastery of the state-of-the-art systems and workflows.
On an annual basis, approximately 100 million people either attempt to or actually do leave their place of birth, often not knowing their final destination. The flow of immigrants who arrive in neighb...
There are law books about constructive trusts, the Perpetuities and Accumulations Act 1964 and the rule in Foss v Harbottle. This is not one of them. David Pannick QC has always been much more interes...
Today is the first day of Quinton Carter's new life. The toxic guilt of his past left him in pieces-but one girl unexpectedly put him back together. Thanks to Nova Reed, Quinton can finally see the wo...
This is one of the most important studies in decades on Johannes Kepler, among the towering figures in the history of astronomy. Drawing extensively on Kepler's correspondence and manuscripts, James V...
Henry is excited when his cousin Annie announces that she is moving into the house next door to his. He busily starts planning all the good times they'll have as neighbors, but then he realize that An...
Among contemporary Portuguese architects there is a large group whose members, while trained or influenced by Alvaro Siza, have embarked on an independent line of common research; one of these is Edua...
A series of twenty non-fiction science readers which engages children in the world around them. What causes floods? Why do volcanoes erupt? What is the difference between a volcano and an ice storm? Y...
In a desolate Cornish landscape littered with relics of prehistoric man, the Doctor and Evelyn uncover a catalogue of mysteries. What is the secret of the fog? Can the moor be haunted by a demonic ho...
"A superb book. It combines honesty, humour and inspiration to help people move ahead in life." Octavius Black and Sebastian Bailey, The Mind Gym S.U.M.O. stands for Shut Up, Move On. It's a phrase to...
This is a comprehensive first-edition guide to Canada's most rugged, historical, charming region. It includes tailored itineraries and themed walking tours. It contains Getting Started chapter for hol...
Anna had never liked the idea of Mallorca, thinking it was for the disco and beerswilling fraternity. That was until her sister hired an au pair from a rural part of the island who said it was the mos...
From the powerhouse Mind Body Green calls 'the Brené Brown of Wonder' comes a self-help book that will reframe the way we look at ourselves and the world, and help us reach our full potential. 'Ambe...