These simple, easy-to-read stories are designed especially for the youngest fans of The Powerpuff Girls.
Superman introduces the universe to proficient readers in this level 4 title from the DK Readers reading scheme - and shows how the man of steel's superpowers enable him to enjoy his intergalactic lif...
With voices ranging from those of presidents to slaves, from both men and women, and from Native Americans and white settlers, this book tells the story of the first half-century of the United States...
Carrots and tomatoes are disappearing from Farmer Fran's garden. Shaggy and Scooby volunteer to dress as scarecrows and watch the garden through the night, but they're the ones who end up scared! Will...
These simple, easy-to-read stories are designed especially for the youngest fans of The Powerpuff Girls.
The Scooby-Doo Readers are a level above the Picture Clue Books. The text is easy-to-read and the art is bold and full-bleed, making these an appealing Level 2 reader.While the rest of the gang are go...
The Scooby-Doo Readers are a level above the Picture Clue Books. The text is easy-to-read and the art is bold and full-bleed, making these an appealing Level 2 reader.Scooby and the gang are spending ...
Level 4: Proficient Readers. JLA member Flash introduces some of the fastest things in the world: from wildlife to transportation. JLA member Flash introduces some of the fastest things in the world: ...
Over the past few years, media outlets have spotlighted coverage of terror attacks. Drawing on both popular and academic articles, "Media, Terrorism, and Theory" analyzes the larger issues surrounding...
Akcja "Ostrzegam czytelnika" rozgrywa się w czasie weekendu w wiejskiej rezydencji pod Londynem. Nadinspektor Masters i ekscentryczny sir Henry Merrivale rozwiązują zagadkę tajemniczego morderstwa, za...
Rodzaj powieści-komentarza autorskiego Millera do własnej postaci i swoich powieści, napisany dzięki zaangażowaniu zaprzyjaźnionego z nim, dużo młodszego Lawrence'a Durrella, który tę auto-powieść Mil...
Ohne die Visionen von Ellie wäre die Tote niemals im Fear-Street-Wald gefunden worden. Aber damit ist noch nicht geklärt, warum Melinda Wilkins sterben mußte und wer sie ermordet hat. Ellie wird in de...
The Rough Guide First-Time Asia tells you everything you need to know before you go to Asia, from visas and vaccinations to budgets and packing. It will help you plan the best possible trip, with advi...