Lose yourself in a dazzling world of fire and ice in Book 2 of the bestselling A Shade of Dragon trilogy. Only a few hours ago, it had been New Year's night in Beggar's Hole, Maine. Nell's biggest pro...
The FINAL book of Nell and Theon's trilogy releases 5 February 2016! Return to The Hearthlands.
Diran used to make his living as an assassin --- one of the best moneycould buy. But after a life-altering spiritual experience, he's turned hisback on killing. All he wants is peace. But in a shoddy ...
The concluding volume in Waggoners critically acclaimed Blade of the Flameseries that follows a former assassin trying to change his life and setthe world to right.
Living in the war-ravaged realm of Eberron, assassin-turned-priest DiranBastiaan and his half-orc sidekick, Ghaji, make an unlikely pair. Onelooks like the stuff of nightmares, while the other is " a ...