Tom III nosi tytuł: Wielka koalicja, Księga 2: Wojna przychodzi do Ameryki
Powieść, która ukazuje koniec imperialnej Rosji oczami Olgi Romanowej, pierworodnejcórki ostatniego cara, Mikołaja II. Wielka Księżna Olga Romanowa dorasta w obliczu zmieniającego się świata i odch...
Opowieść o człowieku, jego zaletach i wadach oraz czasach, w których żył. Bidwell nie stosuje schematu dobry/zły, nie dokonuje jednoznacznych ocen, dlatego to sam czytelnik może wystawić ocenę histor...
Pesto siciliano, wino marsala, obłędna pasta pistacjowa z Bronte. Dojrzewające w pełnym słońcu soczyste cytryny. Piaszczyste plaże oblewane granatową wodą, a nad nimi majestatyczna Etna. Ceramika z C...
Lee Kuan Yew jest wśród mężów stanu minionego półwiecza unikatem. Ten „ojciec założyciel”, i przez ponad pięć dekad dominująca w Singapurze postać, przejął biedne, skorumpowane miasto-państwo i zbudo...
This geopolitical strategist and former U.S. national security adviser offers a new global vision for securing American preeminence into the next century. The heart of The Grand Chessboard is Brzezins...
Le grand Meaulnes, un jeune homme de dix-sept ans, est allé, sans permission, chercher les beaux-parents de l'instituteur à la gare. En route, il se perd et entre dans un vieux château abandonné pour ...
This stimulating book looks at one of the most attractive and exciting forms of interior decoration: mural and trompe l'oeil painting. The work of more than forty of the best contemporary artists on b...
On Grand Strategy is the distillation of the experience of that course, and in it Gaddis takes the reader from the commanding heights of statesmanship across the landscape of world history from the an...
After moving out on his own to a seaside town, Iori Kitahara makes a college debut he never anticipated. A new chapter of his life unfolds, full of diving with beautiful girls and shenanigans with a g...
In the last thirty years of his life Albert Einstein searched for aunified theory - a theory which could describe all the forces of nature ina single framework. But the time was not right for such a d...
A groundbreaking book on solving our growing energy problems In this visionary book, leading energy industry executive Robert Hefner puts forth a convincing case about how the world can move beyond it...
Le Corbusier (1887-1965) is one of the giants of twentieth-century architecture and design. Born Charles Edouard Jeanneret in La Chaux-de-Fonds, Switzerland, the self-named Le Corbusier was not only t...
This is the story of Grand Central Terminal in New York City, the railway building whose birth, survival and restoration reflect not only the changes that have taken place in America's history, cultur...
Smart Start! Download the first two chapters free when you buy this book! (see details) Better than ever! We've reinvented this guidebook with featured highlights & itineraries, an outdoor activite...
This collection of essays examines the strategic dimensions of contemporary terrorist threats. It evaluates the changing nature of modern terrorism in the light of the events of September 11 2001. The...
Whether you're a local looking for a long weekend escape, a visitor looking to explore or you simply need some ideas when family and friends come to visit, Lonely Planet's Trips series offers the best...
Buy all 3 and save! GREAT OUTDOORS US TRAVEL PACK Hiking in the Sierra Nevada + Yosemite National Park + Yellowstone & Grand Teton National Parks Wild, spectacular Yellowstone thrills visitors with gu...
Przewodnik ilustrowany Insight Guides Arizona & The Grand Canyon w języku angielskim to inspirująca lektura przed wyjazdem, bezcenna pomoc podczas podróży i oryginalna pamiątka po powrocie z wakacji. ...
The book introduces the principles of hardware design and describes the tools and techniques required to begin hacking. The DVD contains hack instructions for over 20 game consoles and hardware device...
The fourth edition of this popular textbook draws on recent developments in social issues, placing them within an economic framework that provides both an introduction and a clear analysis of these co...
How can we ensure high-quality public services such as health care and education? Governments spend huge amounts of public money on public services such as health, education, and social care, and yet ...