Ana Martin Larranaga
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Ana Martin Larranaga

Autorka, 54 lata
Urodzona w 1969 roku w Hiszpanii (San Sebastian)
Ana Larranaga was born in San Sebastian, Spain.She grew up in the country surrounded by a huge family and a lot of animals.After studing art she went to Scotland to improve her English, she stayed in the UK for seven years and became a writer and illustrator for children’s books.She moved to New York and then to Germany, where she now lives with her family.Ana has written some books and illustrated a lot of them.She likes drawing, walking and singing.

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Snuggle in the Snow
Snuggle in the Snow
Ana Martin Larranaga

Dad and I love snowy weather. We race up the hill together. Then we slide down very fast, Dad's surprised when I whizz past! This split-page board book allows you to match the scenes, as daddy and bab...

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