Anthony J. (Tony) Martyr
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Anthony J. (Tony) Martyr

Autor, 80 lat
Urodzony w 1943 roku w Wielkiej Brytanii (Yorkshire)
A.J. (Tony) Martyr has been either the sole or a co-author of all editions of ‘Engine Testing’. For the last 50 years he has held senior technical positions in companies, internationally involved in the design and testing of automotive and marine powertrains. His published works include a book on Project Management, and papers on subjects covering Dynamometry and the International Transfer of Technology.


Engine Testing 3rd Edition Theory and Practice
Engine Testing 3rd Edition Theory and Practice
Anthony J. (Tony) Martyr, M.A. Plint

This book brings together the large and scattered body of information on the theory and practice of engine testing, to which any engineer responsible for work of this kind must have access. Engine tes...

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