Monobloc is the established term for the ubiquitous stackable plastic chairthat can be found on patios and in yards, snack bars, and campgroundsaround the globe. Although despised by design aficionados, it is arguablythe most successful piece of furniture in the world. 220°C Virus Monoblocis an entertaining documentation of the love-hate relationship designershave with this chair. In addition to homage paid by renowned designersincluding Philippe Starck, Jerszy Seymour, Maarten Baas, and KonstantinGrcic, the book presents a range of work, photography, and art that is atongue-in-cheek take on the phenomenon of this chair.The name 220°C Virus Monobloc refers to the production process of thispiece of furniture: the chair is manufactured from a single press of 220°Chot polypropylene mashed through an extruder into a mold. The book wascompiled by Arnd Friedrichs and Kerstin Finger, the designer who took us ona fascinating journey through sticky creativity in her previous book TAPE.