'To keep quiet about something so important ...well, it's almost a lie,wouldn't you say?' When Father Anselm meets Kate Seymour in the cemeteryat Larkwood, he is dismayed to hear her allegation. Herbert Moore had beenone of the founding fathers of the Priory, revered by all who met him, aman who'd shaped Anselm's own vocation. The idea that someone could lookon his grave and speak of a lie is inconceivable. But Anselm soon learnsthat Herbert did indeed have secrets in his past that he kept hidden allhis life. In 1917, during the terrible slaughter of the Passchendaelecampaign, a soldier faced a court martial for desertion. Herbert, chargedwith a responsibility that would change the course of his life, sat uponthe panel that judged him. In coming to understand the court martial,Anselm discovers its true significance: a secret victory that transformedthe young Captain Moore and shone a light upon the horror of war.