Adobe After Effects CS3 Professional Classroom in a Book

Adobe After Effects CS3 Professional Classroom in a Book
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Visual effects and motion graphics pros of all stripes--from broadcast professionals to VFX supervisors to Web designers who need to produce occasional video segments--will welcome the dramatically accelerated features provided in the brand-new After Effects CS3 This best-selling book has been revised to cover all that's new in this upgrade: Shape layers, which enables users to easily create and animate shapes; Puppet tool, which you can use to animate a 2D image like a marionette; powerful integration with Photoshop CS3; new support for Flash designers; the new Brainstorm panel, which lets you preview an array of different visual possibilities in one gorgeous panel; complete color management workflow; Adobe Clip Notes, which lets you attach comments directly to a composition; Adobe Device Central CS3, which lets you preview and test animations for mobile devices, and more. Designed around a single complex project that's broken down into manageable lessons, this book-and-DVD package mimics a real-world workflow--but one that readers tackle at their own pace. The DVD contains all the lesson files and footage readers need to complete the lessons. Educational instructor notes-created to help teachers plan, organize, and time their lessons-are available for this book (and for other Classroom in a Book titles) at
Data wydania: 2007
ISBN: 978-0-321-49979-0, 9780321499790
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Adobe Press

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