America's Secret War

G. Friedman
America's Secret War
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Stratfor, one of the world's most respected private global intelligence firms, has an unmatched ability to provide clear perspective on the current geopolitical map. In America's Secret War, George Friedman identifies the United States' most dangerous enemies, delves into presidential strategies of the last quarter century, and reveals the real reasons behind the attack of 9/11-and the Bush administration's motivation for the war in Iraq. It describes in eye-opening detail America's covert and overt efforts in the global war against terrorism: Not only are U.S. armies in combat on every continent, but since 9/11 the intelligence services of dozens of nations have been operating in close partnership with the CIA. Drawing on Stratfor's vast information-gathering network. Friedman presents an insightful picture of today's world that goes far beyond what is reported on television and in other news media. America's Secret War is an unprecedented look at the new world war being waged behind the scenes today. It is sure to stir debate and capture headlines around the world.
Data wydania: 2004
ISBN: 978-0-385-51245-9, 9780385512459
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Doubleday

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