Applied Statics and Strength of Materials 2e

T. Burns
Applied Statics and Strength of Materials 2e
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APPLIED STATICS AND STRENGTH OF MATERIALS, 2nd Edition provides engineering and construction technology readers with a strategy for successful learning of basic structural behavior and design. The book is written at a fundamental level while providing robust detail on problem-solving methods on a variety of recognizable structures, systems, and machines. Topics covered include easy-to-understand discussion on equilibrium, trusses, frames, centroids, moment of inertia, direct stress, combined stress, beam mechanics, and much more. The book also includes extensive coverage on the design of beams, columns, and connections which include the latest design specifications using steel, concrete, and wood. More than 175 fully worked examples and 500 exercise problems offer thorough and comprehensive reinforcement of the material using recognizable structural and mechanical elements which connect the readers to the real-world.
Data wydania: 2010
ISBN: 978-1-4354-1331-3, 9781435413313
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: TEP - Thompson Educational Publishing

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