Ayurveda The Divine Science of Life

T. Caldecott
Ayurveda The Divine Science of Life
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Ayurveda is an ancient system of health care that developed in India several thousand years ago. Allied with the spiritual philosophy of Hinduism, Ayurveda is a practical and inclusive system of health care orientated to the prevention and treatment of disease through the observation of important principles found in biological systems. This unique one-of-a-kind book is a comprehensive introduction to the theory and practice of Ayurveda, and discusses the practical use of therapies such as diet, exercise, yoga, meditation, massage, and herbal remedies. The book also includes detailed information on Ayurvedic pharmacology and pharmacy, clinical methods and examinations, and general treatment protocols. The final section provides a comprehensive materia medica of 50 Indian herbs that include botanical descriptions, traditional Ayurvedic knowledge, constituent data and latest medical research, as well as clinical indications, formulations and dosages.
Data wydania: 2006
ISBN: 978-0-7234-3410-8, 9780723434108
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Mosby

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