Building a Successful Archival Programme

Alma Ortega, Marisol Ramos
Building a Successful Archival Programme
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This valuable resource provides information on best practices and solutions to successfully establish an archival programme; it uses a practical approach, without the use of technical or theoretical jargon. Additionally it serves as a companion text in a theoretical archival course. The book provides easy-to-follow advice on how to assess the information needs of any institution and the greater community for which the archives were created to serve. Guidelines for achievable goals are provided for starting an archives programme in an environment where a small budget or even a ‘no budget’ can threaten the future of the archives.
Data wydania: 2006-05-14
ISBN: 978-1-84334-175-8, 9781843341758
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Chandos Publishing Ltd
Kategoria: Informatyka
Stron: 200


Alma Ortega Alma C. Ortega has been involved in library and archival organizations enhancing information services since 1998. Since 2003, she has been an assistant professor/librarian at the University of San Diego in San Diego, California.

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