Cambridge Checkpoint. Mathematics 7. Coursebook

Greg Byrd, Lynn Byrd, Chris Pearce
Cambridge Checkpoint. Mathematics 7. Coursebook
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Written by well-respected authors, the suite provides a comprehensive, structured resource which covers the full Secondary 1 framework and seamlessly progresses into the next key stage. This brightly illustrated Coursebook for Stage 7 offers a comprehensive introduction to all topics covered in the syllabus. Worked examples show students how to tackle different problems, and plenty of exercise questions prepare students for the different types of question they will face in their exam. Coverage of the Problem Solving framework is integrated throughout the course, with questions relating to the framework statements highlighted in the Coursebook and Practice Book.
Data wydania: 2012
ISBN: 978-1-107-64111-2, 9781107641112
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Cambridge University Press
Stron: 200

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