Color Atlas of Pathology

Ivan Damjanov
Color Atlas of Pathology
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Designed as a companion to the well-known pathology reference, Anderson's Pathology 10/e , this all-new atlas offers a collection of 1,500 colour illustrations - offering the most outstanding examples of diseases that the resident and practitioner may encounter. It is an ideal visual summary of the pathological basis of disease. Includes over 1,400 color photo examples of diseases commonly encountered in practice Features unique photos to aid pathologists in studying and identifying disease conditions Allows ready access to information through user-friendly format pairing text with photos on facing pages Allows reader to review topics and scan chapter content in chapter outlines Provides related reading references for each chapter.
Data wydania: 1999
ISBN: 978-0-8151-2248-7, 9780815122487
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Mosby
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