Contemporary Direct & Interactive Marketing 2e

Lisa Spiller
Contemporary Direct & Interactive Marketing 2e
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For courses in direct and interactive marketing. Learn to identify a firm's ideal customer and turn him into a life-long client. The Internet has made personal communication faster than ever, giving advertisers the opportunity to speak directly to their audience like never before. Spiller/Baier combines the theory of direct and interactive marketing with highly practical strategies and examples. Direct and interactive marketing requires a focused set of skills for maximum effectiveness, including customer profiling, research and testing, and interactive media planning. Students learn to use the fundamental principles of direct marketing to create hi-tech campaigns using the latest technology. In this newly revised second edition, the text has been updated to reflect the most recent innovations in online advertising and customer interaction. Among these additions are sections on blogging, social networks, and search engine advertising.
Data wydania: 2009
ISBN: 978-0-13-509316-0, 9780135093160
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Prentice Hall

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