Creating Breakthrough Products Innovation from Product Plan

J. Cagan
Creating Breakthrough Products Innovation from Product Plan
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Creating Breakthrough Products identifies the key factors associated with successful innovation, and presents a revolutionary approach to building products that redefine markets -- or even create new ones. Drawing upon nearly a decade of advanced research, Jonathan Cagan and Craig M. Vogel demonstrate how to merge style and technology to deliver products that profoundly connect with the lifestyles and values of their customers. Cagan and Vogel outline a system for product development that begins with a relentless focus on the customer, and integrates the best possible contributions from engineers, industrial designers, interaction designers, market researchers, planners, and marketers. Creating Breakthrough Products shows how to gain real insight into emerging trends -- and how to identify Product Opportunity Gaps that can lead to enormous success. Learn how to navigate the "fuzzy front end" of the design process; when products and markets aren't yet defined; and how to develop product features and styles from seven key opportunities to add value: emotion, aesthetics, identity, ergonomics, impact, technology, and quality. Foreword by Bruce Nussbaum, BusinessWeek.
Data wydania: 2001
ISBN: 978-0-13-969694-7, 9780139696947
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Prentice Hall

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