Culture & Resistance

David Barsamian, Edward W. Said
Culture & Resistance
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In his latest book of interviews, Edward W. Said discusses the centrality of popular resistance to his understanding of culture, history, and social change. He reveals his latest thoughts on the war on terrorism, the war in Afghanistan, and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and lays out a compelling vision for a secular, democratic future in the Middle Eastand globally. Edward Said is Professor of English and Comparative Literature at New York's Columbia University, and is world-renowned for his research in comparative literature and his incisive political commentary. He's the author of twenty books which have been translated into 30 languages. He writes regularly for newspapers around the world, including The Guardian in London, Le Monde Diplomatique and the Arab-language daily al-Hayat and Al-Ahram. He is also the music critic for The Nation. He is a leading teacher, thinker and writer who is admired for his passionate intellectual voice on behalf of the voiceless. A pathbreaking intellectual and renowned political activist, Said never consents to being pigeonholed. His writing and teaching often deals with the West's cultural domination of the East and South through intellectual dispossession
Data wydania: 2003
ISBN: 978-0-7453-2017-5, 9780745320175
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Pluto Books

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