Diabetes Research Guide Postgraduates

Bernard Tuch
Diabetes Research Guide Postgraduates
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Diabetes Research opens up the important world of research into a disease that is thousands of years old, but still has no cure. By presenting a succinct overview into the work of researchers struggling to find answers for millions of diabetics worldwide, this book is essential reading for new researchers in a field where the number of those afflicted is expected to double, and possibly triple, in the coming decades.Exploring the character and physiology of the disease, Diabetes Research discusses long-term complications and treatment strategies, reviews international learned societies and journals, and provides practical insight into research on the frontline, as well as essential information on sources of research funds. Graduates and post-graduates alike who are just entering the field of diabetes from a range of differing medical specialities such as endocrinology, immunology, opthalmology, vascular biology and metabolism at large will find this book an invaluable guide to their continuing careers.
Data wydania: 2000
ISBN: 978-90-5702-461-0, 9789057024610
Wydawnictwo: Harwood Academic Publishers

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