Faith in Conservation

M. Palmer
Faith in Conservation
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What do the world's religions have to say about global development and its impact on the environment? What role can organized religion play in the planet's protection? This book explores the ecological worldviews of eleven major world religions and considers how these can help shape effective environmental policy. At the heart of the book is a discussion of how religions can work environment- and development- focused organizations, both to provide alternative models of conservation approaches and to develop programs for their own faithful. The world's religions can - through storytelling, celebration, practice, spiritual guidance, activism in their communities, and advocacy worldwide - be powerful and effective partners in a wide range of conservation initiatives. The book includes a collection of the faiths' core statements on conservation, brought together for the first time in this volume.
Data wydania: 2003
ISBN: 978-0-8213-5559-6, 9780821355596
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: World Bank

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