Fossils of Florissant

Herbert W. Meyer
Fossils of Florissant
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In the rocks of Florissant, Colorado, lying in the shadow of Pikes Peak, is the evidence of a long-lost world. Encased by the ash of volcanoes that erupted tens of millions of years ago, animals such as insects, fish, and mammals were fossilized in the same deposits as flowers, trees, and the delicate leaves of plants. This amazing collection of animals and plants from the same place at the same time provides a rare, uniquely comprehensive glimpse of life in the past. Through more than 200 colour photographs and vivid descriptions of the fossils, Meyer brings the fossils of Florissant to life, not only providing background on the plants and animals, but also exploring the warm environment in which they lived. The site was once a treasure trove for paleontologists who acquired the fossils for museums around the world; it is now protected as Florissant Fossil Beds National Monument. Meyer's book reveals the beauty of both the site and its delicate fossils, and offers the story of life long ago.
Data wydania: 2003
ISBN: 978-1-58834-107-5, 9781588341075
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Smithsonian Institution Press

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