Game Development with Lua

M. Manyen
Game Development with Lua
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Lua 5.0 is an open-source, freeware scripting language. It is gaining popularity in the world of game development, because of the power and ease with which it can control complex GUIs and artificial intelligence. For the developers who have started to use Lua or those considering using it, Game Development with Lua will teach them the Lua scripting language in the context of game development. Written by practicing Lua game developers, the book teaches how to use Lua for commercial game development. Beginning with a brief background of Lua and how to incorporate Lua into a C++ project, the book details the key features of Lua and explores the advantages of using Lua. Throughout the book, practical, "from the trenches" examples are covered, including using Lua for GUI creation and control, game event handling, game data management (including saving and loading game states), game testing, and AI creation. As the book progresses, a complete game will be developed that incorporates all of these features and more. For those interested in Lua for game development, this is the place to get started!
Data wydania: 2005
ISBN: 978-1-58450-404-7, 9781584504047
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Charles River Media

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