Handbook on Decision Support Systems 2

F. Burstein
Handbook on Decision Support Systems 2
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As the most comprehensive reference work dealing with decision support systems (DSS), this book is essential for the library of every DSS practitioner, researcher, and educator. Written by an international array of DSS luminaries, its more than 70 chapters approach decision support systems from a wide variety of perspectives ranging from classic foundations to cutting-edge thought, informative to provocative, theoretical to practical, historical to futuristic, human to technological, and operational to strategic. The chapters are conveniently organized into 10 major sections: foundations of decision support systems, DSS fundamentals, multiparticipant DSSs, intelligent DSSs, effects of decision support, time & space issues, scopes of decision support, developing & managing decision support systems, cases &applications, and decision support horizons. Novices and experts alike will refer to the authoritative and stimulating content again and again for years to come.
Data wydania: 2008
ISBN: 978-3-540-48715-9, 9783540487159
Wydawnictwo: Springer

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