Health Behaviour Change A Guide for Health Care Professiona

Stephen Rollnick
Health Behaviour Change A Guide for Health Care Professiona
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The book offers a description and demonstration of a method for changing health behaviours based on brief negotiation with clients. It is written in a very stimulating style, engaging the reader from the first page. After an introductory section, the fundamental principles behind the method are explored. The third section deals with application. Client scenarios and snippets from practitioner/client interactions are used throughout the book to illustrate practical applications of theoretical points.* Well accepted method.* Reflects professionals' current concerns with health promotion and effective use of time.* Highly respected authors.* Community focus.* Genuine international market.* Particularly relevant to US practice.* US spellings throughout.
Data wydania: 1999
ISBN: 978-0-443-05850-9, 9780443058509
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Churchill Livingstone

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