When Suzanna Clarke and her husband bought a dilapidated house in theMoroccan town of Fez, their friends thought they were mad. Located in amaze of donkey-trod alleyways, the house - a traditional riad - wasbeautiful but in desperate need of repair. Walls were in danger ofcollapse, the plumbing non-existent. While neither Suzanna nor her husbandspoke Arabic, and had only a smattering of French, they were determined torestore the building to its original splendour, using only traditionalcraftsmen and handmade materials. But they soon found that trying to dobusiness in Fez was like being transported back several centuries in timeand so began the remarkable experience that veered between frustration,hilarity and moments of pure exhilaration. But restoring the riad was onlypart of their immersion in the rich and colourful life of this ancientcity."A House in Fez" is a journey into Moroccan culture, revealing itsday-to-day rhythms, its customs and festivals; its history, Islam, andSufi rituals; the lore of djinns and spirits; the vibrant life-filledmarket places and the irresistible Moroccan cuisine.