International Relations Theory

O. Daddow
International Relations Theory
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'With the growing proliferation of approaches to the field of international relations, the demand for clear and accessible textbooks has never been higher. Oliver Daddow has written an excellent course companion which neatly complements the suite of existing standard texts. He has succeeded in making complex arguments easily understandable - and has done so in a manner that treats readers with the respect they deserve' - Tim Dunne, Professor of International Relations and Head of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Exeter 'An admirably clear and lucid book that succeeds emphatically in demonstrating the relevance of IR theory for students new to the field. Oliver Daddow has done a wonderful job in combining thorough exposition of key theories with sound and intelligent pedagogical advice' - Professor Ben Rosamond, University of Warwick 'This book nicely balances academic content with very helpful material to guide students through their courses on international relations theory. This is not an easy task, and Daddow has done it exceptionally well. This book will be of considerable practical use to students of international relations theory' - Professor Steve Smith, University of Exeter SAGE Course Companions provide students with an insider's guide into how to make the most of their undergraduate courses and extend their understanding of the key concepts covered. Ideal for anyone new to the study of international relations or looking for a refresher, this Course Companion includes a comprehensive introduction to the competing theories at the heart of the discipline as well as hints and tips on how to apply them when tackling coursework or examinations.
Data wydania: 2008
ISBN: 978-1-4129-4743-5, 9781412947435
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: SAGE Publications Ltd

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