Key Concepts in Sports Studies

S. Wagg
Key Concepts in Sports Studies
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A refreshingly critical contribution to the major debates in sports studies, this volume will nicely complement the conventional texts. The entries are well structured, introducing and explaining the arguments, and then applying them to current sports policies and controversies. I admire the material and will recommend it to my students' - Professor Dave Harris, University College Plymouth, Marjon. Written by experienced academics used to teaching the subject this book will help students and researchers find their way within the diverse field of sport studies. Clear, well researched entries explain the key concepts in the debates surrounding the social significance and social dynamics of sport.Each entry provides: clear definitions, relevant examples, and up-to-date suggestions for further reading. It is informative and features cross-referencing. Valuable in its parts and indispensable as a whole, this book will provide a stimulating, practical guide to the relationship between sport and society. Stephen Wagg is Professor of Sport and Society at Leeds Metropolitan University. Carlton Brick lectures in the School of Sciences at the University of the West of Scotland in Paisley. Belinda Wheaton is a Senior Research Fellow in the Chelsea School, University of Brighton. Jayne Caudwell is a Senior Lecturer in the Chelsea School, University of Brighton
Data wydania: 2009
ISBN: 978-0-7619-4965-7, 9780761949657
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: SAGE Publications Ltd

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