Kitty Cat

May Sage
Kitty Cat
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Aisling has every reason in the world to like her life as it away from the shifter community.
Tucked in her little corner of the world, she sees no reason to gets involved in the drama of the ever warring packs, until trouble knocks at her door.
Trouble wrapped in a delicious package her cat wants to claw.

Raygan didn't know what he expected when he moved his pride to the loner's territory; maybe having to deal with a criminal, or someone in hiding.
Instead, he found a fiercely protective, insanely attractive lunatic with secrets he wants to unravel.
A lunatic who might very well be his fated mate.
Data wydania: 2017-04-19
ISBN: 978-0-9956676-8-6, 9780995667686
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Madam's Books
Stron: 200
dodana przez: saskia9

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