For courses in Introduction to Management and courses that combine management and organizational behavior.This unique, re-engineered text defines and describes the new "paradigm" brought on by recent dramatic changes in the field of management. Managing Today! redefines the traditional "functional" approach employed by previous management texts to more accurately reflect recent, fundamental changes in the economy and workplace-changes that have significantly reshaped today's managers' jobs. Robbins' balanced approach presents an effective integration of theory and applications displayed within a clear, visual design specifically tailored for today's students.New paradigm for management. Free SA Library CD-ROM with each book. First introductory text with a full chapter on building trust (Ch.16). The new management paradigm- Builds managerial competencies by focusing on three knowledge areas: decision, planning and monitoring systems; organizing tasks, people and culture; and leading and empowering people. Offers students a more accurate reflection of the responsibilities faced by today's managers so that they're better prepared to meet those responsibilities. Ex.___NEW - Today? or Tomorrow? boxes- Introduces cutting-edge ideas that are either currently being implemented in today's organizations, on the verge of implementation, or within the realm of near-term possibilities. Focuses students' attention on the changing world of management and how managing tomorrow may be different than managing today. Ex.___NEW - If I Were the Manager exercises-Offers chapter-ending exercises that provide students with a real-life problem faced by a practicing manager and ask students to consider possible solutions. Provides students with practice in resolving actual management scenarios, preparing them to deal with the same or similar dilemmas in the workplace. Ex.___NEW - Team Activity exercises- Includes chapter-ending in-class exercises that require group interaction. Develops the valuable team-building skills that are essential to success in today's professional world. Ex.___NEW - Improved video package- Includes twelve chapter-ending ABC video cases and an integrative part-ending video case featuring NYC Advertising Co.-Mad Dogs and Englishmen. NEW MATERIAL AND CHANGESCh. 1-Changing issues in today's workplace-Adds new material on externalization of risk, privatization, multiple skills, and continual retraining. Ch. 4-New coverage of culture shock-Explores organizational culture in coverage of today's work environment. Ch. 5-New trends in time-management skills-Examines the latest strategies and skill-building techniques in discussions on personal planning. Ch. 7-New information on cycle-time reduction and technology transfer-Discusses the most recent strategies and systems within coverage of technology and work process design. Chs. 7 and 8-More logical sequence of topics-Introduces technology and work process design before organization design. Ch. 10-New look at virtual teams-Adds a discussion of this relevant new strategy to coverage of groups and teaming. Ch. 12-New studies of human behavior-Integrates new material on the Big-5 personality dimensions and the nature of emotions. Chs. 14 and 15-Contemporary issues in leadership-Offers new coverage of framing issues and self-leadership. Ch. 16-New chapter on building trust-Considers the nature and significance of trust; types of trust; trust in the workplace; and more. Ch. 18-New examinations of change management-Explores the latest issues in downsizing and layoff-survivor sickness.