Marc Chagall Origins & Paths

Ronald Doschka
Marc Chagall Origins & Paths
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Many stunning works by Marc Chagall, which have remained inaccessible to the general public until now, have been brought together in Marc Chagall: Origins and Paths with some 70 works from all phases of his extensive oeuvre.Marc Chagall's lyrical paintings are amongst the most popular and celebrated works of art in the 20th century. Thirteen years after the artist's death, works from Chagall's estate and from renowned private collections, which have, previously remained unpublished, are presented for the first time in this exhibition catalogue. Together with loans from important museums, a fascinating cross-section of the artist's life work is presented.Marc Chagall's pictures are artistic celebrations of love and life; aglow with color, his works lend unique expression to our dreams and desires. People and animals as well as churches and houses from his native town Vitebsk were rich sources of inspiration for Chagall.They are the leitmotif that runs through his work; in their various manifestations, they fill the oil paintings, gouaches, and watercolors reproduced in this volume. The essays illuminate Chagall's life and examine the artistic influences exerted on his work by the Western avant-garde.
Data wydania: 1998
ISBN: 978-3-7913-1989-6, 9783791319896
Wydawnictwo: Prestel

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