Medicinal Plants of the Asia-Pacific Drugs for the Future?

C. Wiart
Medicinal Plants of the Asia-Pacific Drugs for the Future?
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This invaluable book provides a readable, introductory text to the fascinating subject of drug discovery from the medicinal plants of Asia-Pacific. A carefully designed layout presents more than 400 medicinal plants, and includes description of compound structure, molecular properties, pharmacology and clinical uses. With its broad scope and extensive compound listings, this is a premier reference source for natural products research using a pharmacological approach. Starting from a collection of plants in the rainforests of Asia-Pacific, Wiart shows how the present state of knowledge fosters a whole new way of looking at the discovery of drugs from medicinal plants. Wiart uses his approach to deal with a remarkable array of fundamental problems: from the phylogeny of plants, to the molecular basis of activity, limitations of phytochemistry, and the possibility of a truly fundamental theory of ethnopharmacology. Written with exceptional clarity, and illustrated by more than 300 origi
Data wydania: 2006
ISBN: 978-981-256-341-5, 9789812563415
Wydawnictwo: World Scientific Publishing Co Ltd

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