Miladys Standard Textbook of Cosmetology

Miladys Standard Textbook of Cosmetology
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Milady's Standard Textbook of Cosmetology has led the way in cosmetology education for more than 64 years by changing to meet the evolving needs of students and the market. With this new edition, the changes are dramatic. The fresh new text layout, completely new and reorganized chapters, and all new photography and illustrations provide the open, easy-to-follow format that students need with the reliability that is the hallmark of Milady. By changing to meet the needs of today's students and educators, the Standard remains the number-one choice for cosmetology programs throughout the United States, Canada, and the world. The new Standard is organized into six parts containing 26 chapters, each written by an industry expert in the field, creating an immediate connection to the professional world. New chapters and content were decided upon after extensive research in the form of 600 surveys, two focus groups, and 36 in-depth reviews. With that as a starting point, Milady recruited 20 of the top experts in the field to contribute to the text, followed by a reworking of their material by a professional writer to ensure a uniform reading level throughout. Another three dozen reviewers were enlisted to evaluate the material, ensuring the accuracy and comprehensiveness of the content. The result is the most reliable cosmetology textbook available, one that covers all essential information in a contemporary, easy-to-use manner.
Data wydania: 2002
ISBN: 978-1-56253-879-8, 9781562538798
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Delmar Publishers

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