Musial From Stash to Stan the Man

J. Giglio
Musial From Stash to Stan the Man
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Musial: From Stash to Stan the Man is the most comprehensive assessment of baseball legend Stan Musial's life and career to date. Musial, better known as Stan the Man, was born in 1920 to a Polish immigrant father and a second-generation Slovak mother in Donora, Pennsylvania. As a youth, however, he went by the nickname Stash, which his closest friends have continued to call him.' 'In this first scholarly biography of Musial, James N. Giglio places the St. Louis Cardinal star within the context of the times - the Great Depression and wartime and postwar America - and the issues then prevalent in professional baseball, particularly race and the changing economics of the game. Giglio illuminates how the times shaped Musial and delves further into his popular image as a warm, unfailingly gracious role model known for good sportsmanship and devotion to family.
Data wydania: 2001
ISBN: 978-0-8262-1336-5, 9780826213365
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: University of Missouri Press

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