If you wonder: 'What have the Romans ever done for us?' you should perhapsvisit Volubilis, the best-preserved Roman site in present-day Morocco, orthe spectacular amphitheatre at El Jem, built by the wealthy proconsulGordion who later committed suicide within his own great monument. NorthAfrica: The Roman Coast is the first guide dedicated to the Roman heritagesites of modern-day Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia and Libya, and it brings theold stones to life with stories both triumphant and tragic of thecharacters that lived among them. It additionally gives details of nearbyattractions of the present day, such as the Medina and Kasbah at Rabat inMorocco and the charming seaside villages of Sidi Bou Said and Mahdia inTunisia, to create a guide that appeals to ruin-seekers and beach-loversalike. . The only guide of its kind, appealing to the huge ruin-seeking market .The Romans are in vogue, as seen by the success of recent TV programmes andthe British Museum's 2008 Hadrian exhibition . Detailed maps, itinerariesand accommodation information