Sometimes a book's cover, or in this case, the book jacket, is anindication of what is between the boards. The stylish use of the ISBNnumber and large colorful bar code are emblematic of good modern design.As well as being a dictionary of modern design, this book is also aconcise history. It is filled with biographies of individuals, such asLaura Ashley, Charles Eames, and Robert Venturi, as well as entries forstyles (Art deco, Danish modern); materials (Bakelite, Chrome, Formica);companies (IKEA, Tupperware, Prada); and more. Each alphabet lettersection, from A through XYZ, is introduced by a classic example of moderndesign. For example, F is illustrated with a photograph of Fiskarsscissors; N with a Nokia mobile phone; R with a Rubik's Cube. There are noother illustrations. More than 2,000 entries cover world design from themiddle of the nineteenth century through 2004. Occasional boxed entriesdiscuss important concepts such as Arts and Crafts movement, Green design,Kitsch, and Modernism. If an entry heading is mentioned within the text ofanother entry, it is preceded by an asterisk. The dictionary portion ofthe volume is followed by a topically organized bibliography, time lines,and an index of names.