An unusual journey between Breslau and Dessau, from the World CulturalHeritage of the Centennial Hall (1913) to the World Cultural Heritage ofBauhaus dating from the twenties: and there are many highpoints of modernarchitecture in-between—in Görlitz, Dresden-Hellerau, Leipzig orChemnitz, for example. Almost all the great modernist architects argathered together here, from Hans Poelzig and Henry van de Velde toHeinrich Tessenow, Richard Riemerschmid, Hans Scharoun, Erich Mendelsohnand even Walter Gropius. But the focus is also on the cities themselves;at a very early date, their progressive building councillors thought hardabout European urban development—about buildings ranging fromstriking tower blocks to top-quality mass housing. This publicationillustrates an important chapter of our architectural history in anoriginal, condensed-format travel guide. Sample Pages