Physiology of Behavior

Neil R. Carlson
Physiology of Behavior
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The Ninth Edition of Physiology of Behavior continues its tradition as the most comprehensive, current, and teachable text for physiological psychology. This extensive revision of a classic text incorporates the latest discoveries in the rapidly changing fields of neuroscience and physiological psychology and offers the most comprehensive and integrative coverage of research and theory in contemporary behavioral neuroscience. Thoughtfully organised, it offers scholarly, yet accessible coverage and effectively emphasises the dynamic interaction between biology and behaviour. Collaboration with a talented artist has provided beautiful, accurate, and informative full-colour illustrations to support explanation throughout.Clear, well-researched writing continues to be well received by lecturers and students alike. Accurate, visually-stunning art results in clearer understanding throughout the course. Case studies describe episodes involving a neurological disorder or an issue in neuroscience. Interim summaries divide major sections into more manageable interest. CD-ROM icons in the text guide students to additional learning tools on the CD-ROM.
Data wydania: 2006
ISBN: 978-0-205-49692-1, 9780205496921
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Allyn & Bacon
Kategoria: Psychologia

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