Rich Dirty Dangerous

Julie Kriss
Rich Dirty Dangerous
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I was a dead man the minute I inked her. I’ve spent ten years as the ink man for the Black Dog MC. When a member wants ink, he comes to me — and I always obey. Because even when you’re not a brother, disobeying the Black Dog is deadly. So they own me. And they also own her. Dani. Beautiful, sweetly sensual, temptation incarnate. The president’s woman — completely off-limits. But when she comes to me for a tattoo, and begs me to get her out of the Black Dog before he kills her, my blood starts to burn for the first time in a decade. And when I realize my own reason for getting out — an inheritance from nowhere that will make me obscenely rich — I have to decide. Stay, and we’ll both be sacrificed. Run, and we’ll both have a price on our heads. Take Dani, like she begs me to, and I might not live to see the morning. Some things, I hear, are worth dying for. Tonight is the night I find out.  
Data wydania: 2017-05-08
ISBN: 978-0-9959675-2-6, 9780995967526
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Julie Kriss
Cykl: Bad Billionaires, tom 3
Stron: 190
dodana przez: bookkeeper

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