Second Chance Bite

Joyee Flynn
Second Chance Bite
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Spencer Fallon never knew werewolves existed until he was attacked by one, making him a werewolf. For years, he lives lonely life until he sees a gorgeous man limping in front of him one day. Ryder Jenkins' life is a disaster. Kicked out of his house at sixteen when he came out to his parents, Ryder caught a ride to New York. With no ID, birth certificate, and being underage, he had very limited options. When a guy offers him a place to stay, Ryder thinks has luck has changed... he couldn't have been more wrong. Six years later, Ryder's knight in shining armor shows up in the form of a sexy hot werewolf. Can Ryder trust another stranger promising him a better life? Or is the devil he knows better?  
Data wydania: 2010-09-03
ISBN: 978-1-940036-18-2, 9781940036182
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: All Romance E-books
Cykl: Wolf Harem, tom 1
Stron: 173
dodana przez: bookkeeper

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