Six Four

Hideo Yokoyama
Six Four
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For five days in January 1989, the parents of a seven-year-old Tokyo schoolgirl sat and listened to the demands of their daughter's kidnapper. They would never learn his identity. They would never see their daughter again. For the fourteen years that followed, the Japanese public listened to the police's apologies. They would never forget the botched investigation that became known as "Six Four". They would never forgive the authorities their failure. For one week in late 2002, the press officer attached to the police department in question confronted an anomaly in the case. He could never imagine what he would uncover. He would never have looked if he'd known what he would find.
Data wydania: 2016-10-28
ISBN: 978-1-84866-528-6, 9781848665286
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Quercus
Kategoria: Sensacja Thriller
Stron: 656
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