Snort Intrusion Detection & Prevention Toolkit

Brian Caswell
Snort Intrusion Detection & Prevention Toolkit
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This is an all new book covering the brand new Snort version 2.6 from members of the Snort developers team. This fully integrated book, CD, and Web toolkit covers everything from packet inspection to optimizing Snort for speed to using the most advanced features of Snort to defend even the largest and most congested enterprise networks. Leading Snort experts Brian Caswell, Andrew Baker, and Jay Beale analyze traffic from real attacks to demonstrate the best practices for implementing the most powerful Snort features. The accompanying CD contains examples from real attacks allowing readers test their new skills. The book will begin with a discussion of packet inspection and the progression from intrusion detection to intrusion prevention. The authors provide examples of packet inspection methods including: protocol standards compliance, protocol anomaly detection, application control, and signature matching.In addition, application-level vulnerabilities including Binary Code in HTTP headers, HTTP/HTTPS Tunneling, URL Directory Traversal, Cross-Site Scripting, and SQL Injection will also be analyzed. Next, a brief chapter on installing and configuring Snort will highlight various met
Data wydania: 2006
ISBN: 978-1-59749-099-3, 9781597490993
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Syngress

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